Currency War: Why It’s Not Time to Short the Yuan?

As the “Trump trade” returns – again – fueling concerns of new geopolitical turmoil, hedge funds worldwide are scrambling to short the Chinese yuan. They are betting that Trump’s tax and trade policies, if elected, will strengthen the dollar, with China seeking a more competitive exchange rate as domestic growth slows. But if the last …

US vs. China: Bitcoin will become the new global reserve currency

In an era characterized by global economic instability and high political uncertainty, the idea of ​​a new world order in the financial sector is gaining more and more ground. Now, there are questions about how this new world order will take shape. The dollar has long held this position, but its reign is increasingly being …

Currency War – The Implicit Replacement of the Petro-Dollar

The dollar as the currency of valuation for oil silently died last week, ushering in a new era in the global monetary status quo. On June 9, the US agreement with Saudi Arabia expired – What will be the consequences. Although it did not grab the headlines of the economic press, for obvious reasons the …

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