Whether you are a potential new customer or an existing customer and/or subscriber, our team of economists can provide you with the support you need. We always answer any questions you have regarding any publications we make and which our publications relate to the issues of macroeconomics and microeconomics respectively, business issues and regional and sectoral issues.

If you want a more personalized analysis and a more personal connotation to your questions, our consultants’ time can be overcome in two ways:

  • Ad hoc inquiries

Most likely your questions-desires relate to a simple economic analysis of how your company can, for example, be influenced by the sudden change of a governmental choice-policy.

In this case it is possible that you do not need a lengthy report-analysis but to ask for a more experienced look based on specific elements and data in a topic from our specialized team. Hourly rates are available upon request.

  • Annual analysis contract

This service includes at least two meetings or presentations per year, at your offices in which the senior staff will present the views and forecasts of Trust Economics,  as well as regular telephone and e-mail contacts and invitations for our seminars and conferences (the service of the seminars and conferences is not yet available but will be offered in the future).

Please read ‘Our General Methodology’ for more information about how we can help you or to simply ask us to get in touch Contact Us


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