The Trust Economics

Trust Economics is a specialized independent economic research, analysis & consultancy business. Our team provides ingenious analysis in the macroeconomics & microeconomics field equally, in the field of financial markets, regional and sectoral analysis equally, forecasts, consultancy, specialized studies-research/projects, M&A, Financial Modeling from its headquarters in Athens, Greece. Trust Economics is registered in Athens both in Chamber of Tradesmen No.Registration 193118 and in G.E.MI. (General Commercial Registry) of the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments.

We have gained a privileged reputation for ingenious and insightful analysis and have built up a diverse and distinguished client base. The majority are in medium-size and more specialist firms, but also, we have a growing number of corporate clients from a wide range of sectors and industries as well as many relationships with governments in emerging economies. In addition, we undertake bespoke projects.

Our publications concern the global economy and financial markets as well as country and regional services producing detailed research for many parts of the world.

Our economists are available for personal contact via e-mail.

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