European Productivity: Slowdown with wage freezes and layoffs

Productivity in Europe is slowing, putting a damper on real wage increases, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has found. In its “World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2025” chapter, the ILO highlights that labour productivity has declined since the COVID-19 pandemic. Real labour productivity per hour worked in the EU-27 economies fell by 0.1% per …

After Inflation, the beginning of Recession or Stagflation?

The inflation phenomenon continues to weaken recently (at 2.5% in June in the Eurozone) although as has been emphasized several times this does not mean that prices are falling. Accuracy remains a “noose” for incomes, a condition that can lead to a parallel weakening of economic activity and investment and ultimately to recession. The odds …

Weak development and the Global financial system with multiple problems

After the great financial crisis of 2007 – 2008, regulatory authorities, worldwide, are engaged in continuous efforts to remove, in every way, financial risks. However, mistakes on their part are not lacking. A typical example is the crisis of regional banks in the USA, which was triggered by Silicon Valley Bank, which until that time …

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